
Btsearch 2008
Btsearch 2008

Btsearch 2008

Multi- step workflow available via Modelbuilder and/or scripting.Tools support all data types (coverages, shapefiles, gdb, raster).ArcToolbox is a dockable window in ArcCatalog or ArcMap.If you cannot open the BTSEARCH file on your computer - there may be several reasons. Geoprocessing is carried out using tools stored in ArcToolbox.Data analysis/spatial modeling: Suitability, Sensitivity, Capacity, Risk GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron Briggs.Data processing/ data automation: Creation, Preparation, Conversion, Management.Projections Conversion Data management Spatial analysis GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron Briggs the modification and analysis of spatial (geographic) data.Command line interface also available for traditionalists and/or power users GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron Briggs. A dockable window available in ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe, or ArcScene.Tools run processes Opens ArcToolbox GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron Briggs.Toolbox: Containerfor toolsets and tools.Note: cannot have a toolbox within a toolbox.Toolset: Logicalcontainer of toolsand other toolsets(i.e.Tool: Singlegeoprocessingoperation (includesdialogs, models,and scripts) Toolset Tools GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron BriggsĬoverage Geodatabase Shapefile Tables CAD Layer file Raster Behavior Geoprocessing Supported data types.The tools work with many data types GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron Briggs.The tools work with many data types …Caution Often there are different tools for different data types.For shapefiles and geodatabse features classes.For example, there is a separate Clip tool for each of these input data types.Similarly, there is a separate Define tool for each of these input data types.Occasionally, there is a capability only available for coverages.Convert first to coverage, then convert coverage to shapefile GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron Briggs.Ĭonversion of SDTS (Spatial Data Transfer Format) or VPF (a vector format used by military).Must distinguish between these tools in scripts.Be sure to get the correct tool for the data type you are processing Clips a coverage Clips a feature class Clips a raster GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron BriggsĪ special note on the Coverages Tools toolbox.Only available if you have ArcInfo Workstation installed.

Btsearch 2008 Btsearch 2008

The toolset titles (Analysis, Conversion, Data Management) duplicate many of the toolboxes in ArcToolbox as a whole.You need to use these tools to process coverages.In some cases, there are capabilities here not available for other data types.All tools are organized into toolboxes.

Btsearch 2008

  • License level (ArcVIEW, ArcEditor, ArcInfo).
  • And you can create your own toolboxes (and tools) GISC 6382 Applied GIS UT-Dallas Ron Briggs.

    Btsearch 2008