You can also return to the torture room where you first awoke and slay that female magister for some coins (It is possible to kill her right when you first meet her if you choose). You can now loot from dead bodies and further explore this ship, but other prisoners are currently unconscious.

The use of source abilities summoned voidwokens to the ship.

Once you reach the stern, you'll see a prisoner being attacked by magisters. Near the sheep there is a vase that has the cargo key, you need to move some crates to see it. You can talk to the sheep there if you have Pet Pal. There's a door blocked by some crates, move the crates and open the door (left-click the object then drag). Before you climb the ladder to the upper deck. In Definitive Edtion, the starting place of the game is a little different, you start at a tutorial deck. (If you are an elf, you can acquire some knowledge by eating body parts you loot) Looting from the dead is generally not considered stealing in this game. Be careful not to loot objects with red names, since this behavior will be considered stealing and may result in others attacking you. There are also some lootable crates and sacks, mainly containing a few coins. (Note: You cannot recruit them right now). There are many fellow prisoners on board this ship, including your future teammates. The epic journey of D:OS II starts in The Hold - the prison ship that transports sourcerers to Fort Joy. Also, remember that Undead characters can use lockpick with their finger instead of lockpicks, and lizard characters can dig things without a shovel.) Troubled Waters (Selecting one of the preset origins is highly recommended, since they have more quests in game. For more information, read our Character Creation page. You can also choose a custom character if you don't like the default origins, but be sure to choose Tags for your customized character, which unlocks special dialogues in the game. Divinity Original Sin 2 has 6 Origins, 14 Classes and 5 Races.